Today we learned about a storey in the bible. It was about Onesimus, Philemon and paul. Onesimus stole from Philemon and ran away to Rome. there,he met Paul.
Paul wrote a litter to Philemon on behalf of Onesimus. Onesimus returned back to Colossae and said sorry.
I think that it's easy to say sorry because I am confident
People can say I am sorry and you can say it's ok do you want to de my friend
This is what I used in my debate
Georgie Porgie should not have kissed the girls because every time he kissed the girl’s he is more closer to danger and if he did not kissed the girls he would not have been assassinated and would of had a good life.
Georgie Porgie kissed the girls because he wanted the queen of paris to fall in love with him so when the queen of paris fell in love him he could kill her. Here is proof it say’s in the rhyme. Georgie Porgie pudding in pie kissed the girls and made them cry but he kissed the girls and made them die.that is why he he wants to kill the queen because he was a girl murderer.
Cyber Smart means being on the right track and ignoring all the distractions around you and on web sites.
Cyber smart is being in the right web site's and finishing of your tasks.
click here to do some cyber smart learning.
Mrs Clarke comes to our classroom every Tuesday afternoon. We have learned lots of different things like: songs and stories.
I have learned about that you can trust god and we can also trust Jesus
With extreme excitement i rushed to school because it was the first day of the team. As excitement blasted out of my brain i waited at the door when miss lavakula opened the door i lined up and room 13 went to the hall for immersion Assembly.
“Next performing is team 4” said James Taylor as Mr Burt our principal.Up came team 4’s item Miss Lavakula,Miss Ouano,Mr Marks and Miss Garden they were acting out the three little pig but in a different way.The three little pig said goodbye to their mother the first pig built her house out of stores and was resting but she saw the big bad wolf she hid in her house and then the big bad wolf said “little pig little pig open the door” the pig said “not by the heir of my chinny chin chin the big bad wolf replied “then I will huff and puff and blow your house down he huffed and puffed and huffed and puffed and blew her house down and then the big bad wolf ate the her the second pig built her house out of stick then when she finished she was resting and saw the big bad wolf she hid in the house the big bad wolf said “little pig little pig open the door” and the pig said “not by the heir of my chinny chin chin” then the big bad wolf replied “then I will huff and puff and puff and blow your house down’ he then ate her. The third pig made his house out of bricks and was testing then he saw the big bad wolf he hid in his house the big bad wolf said “little pig little pig open the door”the pig said “not by the heir of my chinny chin chin the big bad wolf replied then I will huff and puff and blow your house down
but he could not blow his house down so he went from the chimney his bottom burned and he ran away.
Our Immersion Assembly was heaps of fun and I can't wait to see what will happen next term.