Have you ever played Badminton at your school befor ? If you haven't keep reading to find what we did at Badminton. At Badminton there was a guy named Danny he thought us backhand grip hit how to serve the shuttlecock and he also taught us how to do a 4 hand grip.
The first day me and my math class went to Badminton we had a warm up game the warm up game goes like this. There are 2 or 3 people in and if the people that is in tags you you are frozen with your hands out then a guy that isn't in high 10 you not high 5 you but if he or she high 10 youyou are free again after that we played some Badminton.
At the end we played a small game where you have to hit the shuttlecock into a small box.It was aswome with Danny i cant wate till Badminton with Danny again.
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