
Monday, 15 September 2014

The revenge of James

The revenge of James

As James woke up he was extremely excited to go to samoa for a vacation. When he arrived at Samoa they went for a bike ride when suddenly anjey was missing. So James said to Philip”did you see where your mum went”  Philip replied “no i didn't” then James said “i think she know where she is gone,Philip lets go to the beach”.

When they arrived at the beach Philip did not want to swim and was building a sandcastle. While James got on a boat and went just a little far from the beach. When James dived in the water he went through the sand and was put in a machine. There James lost his memory and  thought he was an assassin on an alien world and his mission was to assassinate everyone on the planet.

While James was sleeping he had a vision,the vision was about James dad and Anjeys dad  they were mortal enemies. One day James dad and Anjeys dad was having a fight after Anjeys dad was on the ground James dad said “i don't want to fight anymore”so for a symbol of peace between them they made Anjey and James mary each other .

But it was only part of Anjeys and Anjeys dads plan. After James and Anjey left, Anjeys dad killed James dad with a sneak attack. After James saw the vision he woke up and screamed “FATHER!!”. After a while James  forgot what happened in the vision. The next day James went out to assassinate people but he saw his old house in Samoa from when  he came with his dad. and there he got his memory back.

After James went home Anjey thought to herself how did he get his memory back, Then suddenly James said to Anjey “it it was you it was you how made me lose my memory, and you and your father was the people who killed my father” “YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS!!”There Jams killed Anjey and after that James went to Anjeys dad house and killed him too but luckily Philip did not see his mum death.

Hope you enjoyed my narrative.

1 comment:

  1. In this story I liked the imagination I used and the hard work to make it interesting for the readers. The one thing I think I need to work on is using the correct punctuation in my story so that my message is clearer.


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