Thursday, 10 December 2015
Monday, 7 December 2015
Tuesday, 1 December 2015
Monday, 9 November 2015
Monday, 19 October 2015
On the 25th of september it was the school holidays,We had a traditional celebration called Kurban,Kurban is a celebration about Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam you could say he is like the Muslim Jesus but he is not the son of God he is the messenger of God. We had lots food and sweets on Kurban a lot of people came over too.We also play a lot of games including sports. We also went to visit a friends house they had lot of food and sweet to.
After Kurban was over I had nothing to do so i play minecraft a little and went outside and played soccer with my brothers and sister. Then me and my brother play minecraft together we play some factions. I also got this game called team fortress 2 it was boring so i deleted it and got another game called loadout.
That was the fun thing i did in the holidays my highlights of the holidays was play games on
Tuesday, 22 September 2015
Friday, 18 September 2015
using protractors
At maths class we are learning how to use protractors. It is hard but after you get used to it it is easy .
Tuesday, 15 September 2015
Monday, 7 September 2015
Tuesday, 1 September 2015
Friday, 28 August 2015
Wednesday, 26 August 2015
how to prevent yourself from getting sick
This is my expansion about how to prevent yourself from getting sick and if you learn something or you have a suggestion of another way of preventing your self from getting sick write it in the comment.
Winter is upon us and this explanation will explain how to prevent yourself from getting sick during the winter season the main reason to why people get sick is because of the cold and bugs and germs spread more easily so it is easy to get sick. Another reason why people get sick is because they don't wear the right attire such as a jumper and scarf, socks and gloves.
Winter is upon us and this explanation will explain how to prevent yourself from getting sick during the winter season the main reason to why people get sick is because of the cold and bugs and germs spread more easily so it is easy to get sick. Another reason why people get sick is because they don't wear the right attire such as a jumper and scarf, socks and gloves.
One of the thing you can do to prevent yourself from getting sick is by getting the flu shot. The flu shot helps by preventing yourself from getting sick and that is done by injecting a bit of the flu in to your body so your body know how to fight of the flu.
Another way you can prevent yourself from getting sick is by being being hygienic.To be hygienic you have to keep yourself clean and you can do that by cleaning your hands or cleaning your whole body and remember to use the hand sanitiser if you have one.
Getting enough nutrients is important for your health it helps you stay strong and fight of the germs.Your body needs rest so don't stay up late because if you stay up late in the morning you wont have enough energy.
That is some ways you can prevent yourself from getting sick and hope you learned something from this explanation.
Friday, 21 August 2015
Monday, 17 August 2015
Wednesday, 29 July 2015
The dark side of chocolate
At literacy I learned that there is a dark side to chocolate. They make these chocolate from cocoa beans and the largest cocoa bean harvesters is from Africa. the only way they make this much is by kidnapping kid from age 12 to 15 and making them work. They make the kids work all day and if they stop they get beat up and if they try to run away and get court they get beat up too. They make the kids walk around with machetes and other dangerous tools. They make the kids work even though making kids work at cocoa bean farms is e legal.
Monday, 22 June 2015
Thursday, 18 June 2015
Wednesday, 17 June 2015
Monday, 15 June 2015
Wednesday, 10 June 2015
Wednesday, 27 May 2015
Future Aspiration
On May the 20th there were three people to come and see us, One was, Marcus The sandman Winter, Marcus winter is a professional sand artist, he can make pictures with sand on a beam of light, He is the best sand artist in the world, He told us a quote from a women that died last year, Her name was Maya Angelou. The quote from her that Marcus Winter liked was “ I Learned that People Will forget what you said, People will forget what you did, But people will never forget how you made them Feel”. He told us that she had A very bad life growing up, She had a bad family, And she was on of the most greatest author. After he said stuff about him, He taught Team 5 block some Bruno mars moves from the song Uptown Funk. And it was fun. Next we met was Louis Gordon-Latty From Glory League. He had a problem and his problem was, In basketball games you play good sometimes, and you want to see how good you played, But you never got to see your self, So Louis, and Glory league made an invention, Which was for recording every game his team and some other teams play, Just like NBA. And they have an ipad that can show who got points and hoops at what time which was cool, And louis showed him scoring points at what time which was awesome. Louis Gordon-Latty Loves basketball, He grew up playing Basketball. Now for the final person we have met before but is really cool, His name is Andrew Pattison, He is a
Monday, 25 May 2015
Friday, 22 May 2015
Zeal Zone
In Zeal Zone to day I went to miss Peato's class we are learning about how it was and how it felt in world war 1 and world war 2.
We had to make a slide and show what they used in the world war 1 and world war 2.
Monday, 18 May 2015
Thursday, 14 May 2015
technology used in ww's
Today Mr Burt came to talk to us about world war technology. Technology is neither good or bad it is how you use it that makes the technology bad or good. Like if you go hunting with a gun and you shoot down a dear you can eat it but if you use the gun to shoot another human it is bad.
We also learned some more about technology in world war's the new Zealanders created battle ships and then the German's created battle ships, then the New Zealander's created airplane's that can shoot and drop bombs in there battle ships so the Germans copied them and it carried on. After a long time they said now lets use this technology and that is one of the way the war started.
The New Zealander's and the German's used a lot of money to build the technology and to improve there weapons. both sides had battle ships,airplains,tanks,cannon,shot guns and other guns they made a lot more things.
We also learned some more about technology in world war's the new Zealanders created battle ships and then the German's created battle ships, then the New Zealander's created airplane's that can shoot and drop bombs in there battle ships so the Germans copied them and it carried on. After a long time they said now lets use this technology and that is one of the way the war started.
The New Zealander's and the German's used a lot of money to build the technology and to improve there weapons. both sides had battle ships,airplains,tanks,cannon,shot guns and other guns they made a lot more things.
Wednesday, 13 May 2015
letter back to willim
Dear William,
I hope you're feeling better after that major injury when the bullet went through your neck and came out of your right ear. It was great honor that you fought for us in the war thank you very much (Arigatō / Thank you) . Hope your brothers are feeling well after the war, the war is a vestis thing to join.
Tuesday, 12 May 2015
Monday, 11 May 2015
Friday, 8 May 2015
Zeal Zone
Wednesday, 6 May 2015
World problem
This is my World problem questions it also has my working out me and kyan worked together to finish this.
Alphabet muliplication
Friday, 1 May 2015
This is from my zeal zone work we are learning about the World war 1 and we had to find out what happened on the September the 23 1918.These are all the facets we found out.
Friday, 20 March 2015
It was an amazing day at polyfest i did rock climbing for the first time it was awesome .
we also got to make cool thing from some station’s like flutes and other things.
when we arrived we had to open our bags so the security guard could check if had something bad in our bag.When we went inside we sat down with some other school’s then we got the opportunity to see john kee then we had morning tea at the nuea stage. After that we went to other activities and got some prizes.
then we went with our parent leader to station’s that we haven't been to. We went to a station and made a mori flut we used sand paper to make the ends smooth then a man drilled holes in the bamboo.
I had a lot of fun at polyfest it was awesome.
Friday, 13 March 2015
persuasive writing
Why year 8 students from Pt England school should attend Tamaki college when they are finish year 8
I think that all children from Pt England school should attend Tanki College because you don’t have to worry about buying a new netbook or chromebook. Tamaki college is also in the manaiakalani cluster so your child will know what is happening like if there is the manaiakalani film festival they will know what to do and when to do it.
Pt England year 8 are always going to Tamaki college for technology so they know more about Tamaki college more than other colleges. The have more experience at tamaki college another reason to you should go to Tamaki college is because it is close it is just next to the Pt England School.
This was my persuasive writing and these were the reasons to why i think that all children from Pt England School should attend tamaki college.
Thursday, 19 February 2015
Wednesday, 4 February 2015
Thursday, 1 January 2015
Holiday story
It's so exciting In the holiday's.Yesterday my friend's came over I never expected it but any way they came for a sleep over.We had so much fun?

The next day all my other friend's came over.The first thing we did was play 1 goal after that we played some soccer. It was getting dark so we went inside to have dinner it was delicious.That night they went home from the time they went it was boring I didn't know what to do.the next day I woke up It was so boring all I could do is sit on the couch and watch TV or go on my computer but I did not know what to do on my computer.
On happy new year It was my mum,dad and brother's birthday. After I woke up I was making an omelet but my brother came to me and said Brooklyn came over at first I did not believe him but when I saw him yes it was Brooklyn.
Me and Brooklyn

On happy new year It was my mum,dad and brother's birthday. After I woke up I was making an omelet but my brother came to me and said Brooklyn came over at first I did not believe him but when I saw him yes it was Brooklyn.
Me and Brooklyn
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