This is my expansion about how to prevent yourself from getting sick and if you learn something or you have a suggestion of another way of preventing your self from getting sick write it in the comment.
Winter is upon us and this explanation will explain how to prevent yourself from getting sick during the winter season the main reason to why people get sick is because of the cold and bugs and germs spread more easily so it is easy to get sick. Another reason why people get sick is because they don't wear the right attire such as a jumper and scarf, socks and gloves.
Winter is upon us and this explanation will explain how to prevent yourself from getting sick during the winter season the main reason to why people get sick is because of the cold and bugs and germs spread more easily so it is easy to get sick. Another reason why people get sick is because they don't wear the right attire such as a jumper and scarf, socks and gloves.
One of the thing you can do to prevent yourself from getting sick is by getting the flu shot. The flu shot helps by preventing yourself from getting sick and that is done by injecting a bit of the flu in to your body so your body know how to fight of the flu.
Another way you can prevent yourself from getting sick is by being being hygienic.To be hygienic you have to keep yourself clean and you can do that by cleaning your hands or cleaning your whole body and remember to use the hand sanitiser if you have one.
Getting enough nutrients is important for your health it helps you stay strong and fight of the germs.Your body needs rest so don't stay up late because if you stay up late in the morning you wont have enough energy.
That is some ways you can prevent yourself from getting sick and hope you learned something from this explanation.
ice ideas and keep it up